EDAX- EBSD Camera – Hikari (Model:XP)

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Hikari XP is the next generation in electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) cameras offering outstanding performance across the complete range of EBSD applications. Users no longer have to choose between speed and sensitivity as the Hikari XP offers both.

Typical uses:

  • High speed analysis for process development and quality control applications
  • High sensitivity indexing with low beam currents and low accelerating voltages when improved spatial resolution is required 

Providing results without compromise, Hikari XP blends market-leading speed, sensitivity and precision in one camera. When paired with EDAX’s TEAM™ EBSD Analysis System software, Hikari XP offers the highest indexing rates on the market guaranteeing the user the best possible data quality. 
Features and Benefits

Data collection rates up to 1,000 indexed points per second

  • Maps can be collected in minutes for efficient SEM use
Hikari XP EBSD Camera Deformed Brass 
Orientation map created at 1,000 indexed points
per second from a deformed brass sample
Maximum EBSD camera sensitivity

  • High quality performance across the entire range of SEM operating conditions including:
    • Beam currents as low as 100 pA
    • Accelerating voltages as low as 5 kV
Hikari XP EBSD Camera Inconel 100pA 
Orientation map collected at 100 pA beam current on an
Inconel 600 superalloy sample
Precision orientation measurements to less than 0.1°

  • Enables detailed microstructural characterization of plastic strain, subgrain evolution, and deformation mechanisms for better understanding of processing-microstructure-property relationships
Hikari XP EBSD Camera Orientation Precision Deformed Steel 
Misorientation KAM map from deformed steel sample
showing clearer resolution of the deformation structure
with orientation precision 0.1 ° 
High indexing success rates

  • EDAX's patented Confidence Index determines not only an indexing rate, but an indexing success rate which provides confidence for your orientation data
  • Know more about every sample by indexing a high percentage of data and avoiding assumptions caused by incomplete measurements
Integrated Forward Scatter Detector for reviewing sample microstructure prior to performing EBSD scan

  • Provides orientation, composition and topographic contrast imaging for a preview of EBSD prepared samples
Hikari XP EBSD Camera 650PPS 
Hikari XP is the one camera for all EBSD applications. By combining speed, sensitivity, and precision, the Hikari XP provides performance without compromise. The camera is fully compatible with EDAX TEAM™ Pegasus and TEAM™ EBSD Analysis System software packages, helping users solve their materials challenges quickly, easily, and accurately.

Resource & Download

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INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD info@vnation.com.vn | Sales: +84 0939021319 | EDAX- EBSD Camera – Hikari (Model:XP).