Calibration Guide for Torque Analyzers & Sensors


Calibration Guide for Torque Analyzers & Sensors
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– – – LƯU Ý – – -: Với những thiết bị không được liệt kê ở đây không có nghĩa là chúng tôi không hỗ trợ được bạn, Công ty chúng tôi chuyên đề xuất giải pháp, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp thiết bị về:
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Công ty cổ phần Vnation, nhà cung cấp các thiết bị siết lực Norbar và các hãng thiết bị siết lực thủy lực, khí nén, bằng điện khác.
A torque analyzer or a torque sensor is a finely tuned instrument designed for testing and monitoring torque applications. In order to maintain accuracy, it is crucial that torque measuring equipment be properly calibrated regularly.

Calibration is the method of comparing tools and measuring devices to higher accuracy standards. Torque calibration equipment is the official means by which torque testers and sensors are calibrated and are traceable to National or International Standards, such as N.I.S.T and ISO.

Torque calibration equipment for torque testers or torque sensors includes either a segment arm or calibration wheel, as well as weights to create a known torque load. This is expressed in the formula “Torque equals force times distance”. Mountz offers various segment arm lengths for different torque ranges.

Have a question about which torque calibration to use for a particular application? Mountz can help! Contact us online or call our torque experts at 1-408-292-2214 for guidance on our vast selection of torque measurement equipment.

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