How To Use a Torque Multiplier


How To Use a Torque Multiplier
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– – – LƯU Ý – – -: Với những thiết bị không được liệt kê ở đây không có nghĩa là chúng tôi không hỗ trợ được bạn, Công ty chúng tôi chuyên đề xuất giải pháp, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp thiết bị về:
Siết lực, Torque Wrench, Pneumatic Torque Wrench, Hydraulic Torque Wrench, Electric Torque gun…
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Công ty cổ phần Vnation, nhà cung cấp các thiết bị siết lực Norbar và các hãng thiết bị siết lực thủy lực, khí nén, bằng điện khác.
How to use a torque multiplier

A torque multiplier is a tool used to provide a mechanical advantage in applying torque to turn bolts, nuts or other items design to be actuated by application of torque, such as the actuation of valves, particularly where there are relatively high torque requirement. Norbar Torque Tools, the world’s torque specialist, presents this simple video how to guide on how to use a torque multiplier. Using a torque multiplier and torque wrench with the correct method will ensure high accuracy bolt tightening, and by employing good reaction point practise will reduce the likelihood of equipment or parts breaking.

Before using a torque multiplier, it’s important to always read the instructions before use and ensure that you maintain the tool according to the advice provided. Refer to manual or specification in order to obtain the required torque. If the multiplication ratio is 25:1, this means you set the torque wrench to 1/25th of required torque. It’s essential that you never exceed the maximum input torque.

First, assemble socket, ‘O’ ring and retaining pin. Do not use an extra-long extension or socket and similarly do not use universal joints. Now, place multiplier on the fastener. A couple of checks to make when using a torque multiplier, first check the multiplier is rotating in the required direction and also check that the wrench is rotating in the required direction. Place on the multiplier

Choose a suitable reaction point — in this video you will see good and poor reaction points and the resulting pressure force from each, you’ll also see what happens when you use a poor reaction point. Now being to tighten and continue to tighten with the torque wrench and torque multiplier until you hear the click. The multiplier is now successfully and safely locked on.

Do not strike the anti wind-up ratchet. To realise the wind-up simply use the following sequence.
Replace the wrench on the torque multiplier. Load the torque wrench. Reverse direction of anti wind-up reaction. Ensure you release the wind-up in a safe and controlled manner.

There are many different styles and qualities of torque wrench available. With the correct selection, operation and maintenance, a torque wrench can save you time and money. To make the correct decisions you may need to seek the advice of specialist torque tool provider like Norbar Torque Tools.

Further information on the use of Norbar’s products can be obtained from our website, from the literature supplied with them and by contacting Norbar or our distributors.

[The information provided in this video is intended to provide guidance in the use of our products under normal conditions for the purpose for which they have been designed. Your use of this information is at your own risk. Norbar Torque Tools Ltd does not give any warranty, condition or representation as to the quality, accuracy or completeness of the information or its suitability for any use or purpose and all implied conditions relating to the quality or suitability of the information and all liabilities arising from its supply and/or use (including liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.]

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