Electronic Load (PLA)

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Traditional dc Electronic Load Solutions are bulky and large in size. Most are offered with standard voltage, current and power ratings. In the ATE world, rack space is a highly coveted asset and application demands are constantly diversifying with new technology development.

AMREL’s PLA Series of "Air-cooled" dc Electronic eLoads offers the industry’s smallest footprint, the highest power density and current rating, along with the broadest selection of high voltage models on the market. PLA models are capable of being custom-tailored to meet your application requirements.



    • Battery/Energy Storage/Ultracapacitor Testing and Validation
    • dc Power Supply and Battery Charger Validation and Testing
    • Fuel Cell Durability, Lifetime and Performance Characterization
    • Single Cell and Short Stack Fuel Cell Characterization
    • EIS/Impedance Measurement
    • Defense/Aerospace and Avionics ATE, Electronics and Power Sources Testing
    • Thin-film, Single- & Poly-silicone PV Design Validation and Testing
    • Power Supply, Power Electronic Components Validation and Testing
    • Industrial Applications: Generator/Alternator, UPS/Battery Banks, Datacenter
    Backup Power and Automotive Power Electronics & Components
    • Lab/Bench-top Applications: Ideal for R&D, Testing and QC Engineers
    • Power Electronic Components, dc Distribution & dc-dc Converters
    • Universities & National Research Labs

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INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD info@vnation.com.vn | Sales: +84 0939021319 | Electronic Load (PLA).