Reminders on ATEX definition
ATEX stands for the French « ATmosphères EXplosives », i.e. hazardous areas
2 ATEX directives from the EU:
– One for manufacturers:
ATEX 95 equipment 94/9/EC directive: Defines equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
– One for equipment users:
ATEX 137 workplace 99/92/EC directive: Sets minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers potentially at risk from
explosive atmospheres
From the 1st July 2003, any equipment used in hazardous areas in EU must be ATEX certified

Microcal 20 DPC XP IS / CALYS 120 IS
Same as Plus model
+ Comparison calibration, IN / IN channels
+ Accuracy
Microcal 20 DPC Plus IS / CALYS 80 IS
Same as Basic model
+ Pressure: Internal & external modules
+ Accuracy
Microcal 20 DPC Basic / CALYS 60 (IS)
Perfect for basic use, all functions included
Pressure: External modules only
Temperature (RTDs / Tc)
Process signals

Typical Application in
Any environment where explosive gases or vapors could be present,
* Oil & gas
− Offshore platforms
− Oil refineries and processing plants
− Gas pipelines, gas distribution centers
* Chemical / Petrochemical plants
* Energy:
− Power plants
* Mining
* Pharmaceutical plants